
FWD: CFP: Dependable Computing for Critical Applications

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From: gll@windsurf.inria.fr (LeLann)
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1993 18:23:54 GMT
Subject: DCCA-4

                    Call for Papers

   4th IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for
                 Critical Applications

January 4-6, 1994, Catamaran Resort Hotel, San Diego, California, USA 

Increasingly, individuals and organizations are becoming critically
dependent on sophisticated computing systems. In differing circumstances,
this dependency might for example center on the continuity of service
received from the computing system, the overall performance level achieved,
the real-time response rate provided, the extent to which catastrophic
failures are avoided, or confidentiality violations prevented. The notion
of dependability, defined as the trustworthiness of computer service such
that reliance can justifiably be placed on this service, enables these
various concerns to be subsumed within a single conceptual framework with
reliability, availability, safety and security, for example, being treated
as particular attributes of dependability. 

The fourth IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical
Applications aims at bringing together researchers and developers from
academia, industry and government for advancing the state of the art in
dependable computing. Papers are sought in all areas of dependable
computing, inluding but not limited to models, methods, algorithms, tools
and practical experience with specifying, designing, implementing,
assessing, validating, operating and maintaining dependable computing
systems. Of particular, but not exclusive, interest will be presentations
which address combinations of dependability attributes, e.g. safety and
security or fault-tolerance and safety, through studies of either a
theoretical or an applied nature.

Submitting a Paper: Six copies (in English) of original work should be
submitted by 30 June 1993, to the Program co-Chair:

        Dr. Gerard Le Lann
        INRIA - Project REFLECS
        BP 105                          Tel:    +33.1.39635364
        78153 Le Chesnay Cedex          Fax:    +33.1.39635330
        France                          E-mail: Gerard.Le_Lann@inria.fr

Papers should be limited to 6000 words, full page figures being counted as
300 words. Each paper should include a short abstract and a list of
keywords indicating subject classification. Papers will be refereed and the
final choice will be made by the Program Committee. Notification of
acceptance will be sent by September 24 1993, and camera-ready copy will be due
on November 12, 1993. A digest of papers will be available at the Conference,
and hardbound proceedings will be published after the Conference as a
volume of the Springer-Verlag series on Dependable Computing and
Fault-Tolerant Systems.

Important Dates: 
        Submission deadline: June 30, 1993
        Acceptance notification: September 24, 1993
        Camera-ready copy due: November 12, 1993

General Chair
  F. Cristian, Univ. of California, USA

Program Cochairs
  G. Le Lann, INRIA, France
  T. Lunt, SRI International, USA

Local Arrangements/Publicty Chair
  K. Marzullo, Univ. of California, USA

Program Committee
  J. Abraham, U of Texas at Austin, USA
  A. Avizienis, UCLA, USA
  D. Bjoerner, UNUIIST, Macau
  R. Butler, NASA, USA
  A. Costes, LAAS-CNRS, France
  M-C. Gaudel, LRI, France
  V. Gligor, U of Maryland, USA
  L. Gong, SRI International, USA
  H. Ihara, Hitachi, Japan
  J. Jacob, Oxford U, UK 
  S. Jajodia, George Mason U, USA 
  J. Lala, CS Draper Lab, USA
  C. Landwehr, NRL, USA
  K. Levitt, U of California Davis, USA 
  C. Meadows, NRL, USA, 
  J. McLean, NRL, USA 
  M. Melliar-Smith, UCSB, USA
  J. Meyer, U of Michigan, USA
  J. Millen, MITRE, USA
  D. Parnas, McMaster U, Canada
  B. Randell, U of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
  G. Rubino, IRISA, France
  R. Schlichting, U of Arizona, USA
  J. Stankovic, U of Massachussetts, USA
  P. Thevenod, LAAS-CNRS, France
  Y. Tohma, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan

  J-C. Laprie, LAAS-CNRS, France
  IFIP WG 10.4 Chair 


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